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WRecord NFS Undercover track records, located at

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Старый 10.05.2011, 15:02   #1
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По умолчанию WR Shift 2

Now we test WR for Shift 2.

But i have some questions.

I have made division of records into cars.
There is a possibility to make division as for handling models.

But if to make division for handling models there can be a problem of distribution of points and medals.

With cars a problem not such big as 2-3 cars will be at top.

1) How to arrive with handling models?
2) whether It is necessary to switch OFF division into cars (and why)?
3) How to distribute points if to switch ON division of records on handling models?
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Старый 10.05.2011, 19:22   #2
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Аватар для InComSysJPCC
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1) How to arrive with handling models?
dont need to seperate

2) whether It is necessary to switch OFF division into cars (and why)?
the wrecord is just the fastest laptime unnecessary wich car

3) How to distribute points if to switch ON division of records on handling models?
if you cars and models the points will be distribute to the 5 fastest drivers.

its no fun for the other players

Just do like before in SHIFT1, that was perfect!

Последний раз редактировалось InComSysJPCC, 11.05.2011 в 13:38
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Старый 19.05.2011, 14:09   #3
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VGSpeedPro, 19 May 13:49:
a) First of all, INFEL8 would you consider to force the use of Pro/Elite Mode? I stop doing laps in Shift 1 when I realised I was battling little children who allowed the PC to Drive the Car...
VGSpeedPro, 19 May 13:50:
b) INFEL8, would you consider to make mandatory to send the Telemetry?
VGSpeedPro, 19 May 13:50:
c) Finally, INFEL8 would you be available to also have the classic ranking: based on just the best lap each Driver has on each track? I think you should keep this one also, since allwing multiple cars is a cool idea!
I have already made division of records into management models, but have switched off it. Now division into cars is meanwhile left.

It is necessary to make delivery of points and medals only for the best record of the person on a track. It is the most simple variant of that I see.

As soon as more fair distribution of points and medals then it will be possible to accept records from various handling models without overlapping of records will be made.

That is records will be accepted everything, but points and medals will be distributed only for the best record from the participant. + need to create filter for this variant.
There are still any ideas?
The answer to me on e-mail please, or on a forum. The text will be gone in a chat.

Unfortunately, I can't soon make it, to the middle of summer I haven't enough time. + sometimes for some racers WR Client works not correctly.

b) It is made, but to telemetry players can change access as they will want. I thought of that the best of telemetry (even where the best sectors) would be opened necessarily, but I am not assured that it is good idea. I think best players can don't want it...

Для тех, кто может лучше перевести, чем онлайн транслятор:
Я уже сделал разделение рекордов на модели управления, но выключил это. Сейчас пока что оставлено разделение на автомобили.

Нужно сделать выдачу очков и медалей только за лучший рекорд человека на треке. �*то наиболее простой вариант из тех, что я вижу.

Как только будет сделано более справедливое распределение очков и медалей, тогда можно будет принимать рекорды от различных handling моделей без перекрытия рекордов.

То есть рекорды будут приниматься все, но очки и медали будут распределяться только за лучший рекорд от участника. + надо сделать фильтр на этот вариант.
Есть ещё какие-либо идеи? Ответ мне на электронную почту пожалуйста, или на форум. В чате текст пропадёт.

К сожалению, я не смогу скоро сделать это, до середины лета у меня очень мало времени. + иногда у некоторых гонщиков WR Client работает не правильно.

b) Сделано, но доступ к телеметрии игроки могут менять как они захотят. Я думал о том, чтобы лучшие телеметрии (даже где лучшие сектора) были бы открыты обязательно, но я не уверен, что это хорошая идея.
Лучшие игроки могут не захотеть этого...
Честная битва до финиша ,и не сдаваться без весомой причины !!
Fair battle to finish ,and do not surrender without heavily reason !!
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USSRxInfel8 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 19.05.2011, 19:37   #4
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Thanks for your answers. I hope I understood correctly what you were saying!

a) So, you have prepared WR Shift 2 Site to be separated by Handling Mode, but you still are unsure how you are going to do it... Its quite simple: Pro/Elite mode, which dont allow the PC to drive the car, should be the only truly allowed for a competition like this one.
In Shift 1 we had to allow all Handling Modes, because there was a Grip difference between them, and so Casual was faster then Pro. But in Shift 2 that doesnt happen, and if people use lower Handling Models is because they want to have the PC turning the wheel for them...
Now is this what we want in a competition intended for the best in the world? To see the records being dominated by people that are unable to control the back of the car or the sliding? People that are using completly rubish setups because the PC compensates them?

For me is clear... WR Project is for all Drivers yes, but those in 1st positions must be Elite Drivers, not casual ones.

You can also consider this... You allow all Handling modes, but if its not Pro or Elite, Drivers receive a time penalty... Let's say 1 to 2s for each minute of Driving.

b) You say you didnt enforce Telemetry because you are affraid some drivers, especially the fastest ones, will not like it. Well, you are the God in WR, so if you say it has to be, it has to be... If they dont like it, then they dont participate. To be honest, being affraid to share Telemetry is being a pussy. If one says he has the WR on some track, then he should stand by it, not hide in the shadows like a little boy.
Anyway, there is another thing, even more important then all of this... In order for WR to achieve its purporse, people must believe the WR Client really avoids abuse by the Drivers... Telemetry is a fundamental tool to make this happen, to make people believe in WR Project.

c) Like I said, the main ranking should be based on the best Lap of each Driver on each Track. Still, the idea of allowing Drivers to have multiple results by track pending they use different cars is not a bad one, although the best would be to make this for different ranking cars (A, B, C, D).

Cya INFEL8! Many thanks for your hard work!

VGSpeedPro вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 19.05.2011, 20:02   #5
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What handling model is the fastest in this game? (I don't know, sorry =) )
If Elite (I hope that so) - that you can make a record inaccessible for casual and then people will go with Elite.

I think that the penalty at the right time doesn't approach.
To divide on ABCD to me it is more difficult, than on cars...

And than you my idea of simple addition of the filter isn't pleasant?
When (and if) I can make distribution of points only for the best time it will be possible to set up records on all handling models.

Unique trouble remains - if with Elite more slowly, than with Casual at Elite there will be no points and medals.

About telemetryes.
I agree with you that at fair creation of a record there is no sense to hide, it is necessary to be proud.
But, at each person the reasons to hold closed telemetry.
maybe team rules...
or shyness =)

It is necessary to ask participants in a chat, it is desirable champions.
Честная битва до финиша ,и не сдаваться без весомой причины !!
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USSRxInfel8 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 19.05.2011, 22:31   #6
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Hi again!

As far as I know, all Handling Modes allow same times... They dont have advantage one over the others, like in Shift 1. The reason why I defend to limit the Handling Mode is because below Pro/Elite you can enable Steering Assist Low, and that is like the PC correcting all your driving mistakes! Its like a "legal cheat"... Its unfair to all those who play the game like it is supposed: with the gamer actually driving the car! That is the problem...

About the rest, dont worry... I understand that its more difficult to divide in ABCD then by cars... And Telemetry although I find it to be fundamental, I can live without it, although I think at least you should be able to receive it and then you would check it if everyone would raise suspections about that time. In other words, all Drivers should be forced to surrender their Telemetries to the WR Director, for checking purposes in case someone raises problems with their time.

Cya and thanks again!

VGSpeedPro вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 20.05.2011, 06:20   #7
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I can see any telemetry, but i don't drive and i don't know what i need to see...

About Elite/Pro.
I think if create division for records, then use filter for handling models (in wrSite/records it is).

and so you can see records only for your handling model.
btw. I think i can create page, where this filter on default, and impossible to change.
call it "Elite club" =) (or "Elite records" etc.)

but pts and medals in general, with another models.
maybe later i can divide pts for Elite and casual hModels, but not soon.
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Последний раз редактировалось USSRxInfel8, 20.05.2011 в 06:32
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Старый 20.05.2011, 11:50   #8
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Hi Infel8!

Yeah, to have that Elite Club Page would also work! Probably even the best solution of them all! Great idea! =)

The fact you can see all Telemetry is very good! If some results are suspecious, you will be able to check the laps better, recruting some help from experienced Drivers!

Many thanks for all you are doing for the community! =)

All the best,

VGSpeedPro вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 17.06.2011, 07:27   #9
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Сообщение от USSRxInfel8 Посмотреть сообщение
It is necessary to make delivery of points and medals only for the best record of the person on a track. It is the most simple variant of that I see.

As soon as more fair distribution of points and medals then it will be possible to accept records from various handling models without overlapping of records will be made.

That is records will be accepted everything, but points and medals will be distributed only for the best record from the participant. + need to create filter for this variant.
Честная битва до финиша ,и не сдаваться без весомой причины !!
Fair battle to finish ,and do not surrender without heavily reason !!
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USSRxInfel8 вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Старый 12.07.2011, 18:16   #10
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Сообщение от USSRxInfel8 Посмотреть сообщение
About Elite/Pro.
I think if create division for records, then use filter for handling models (in wrSite/records it is).

and so you can see records only for your handling model.
btw. I think i can create page, where this filter on default, and impossible to change.
call it "Elite club" =) (or "Elite records" etc.)

but pts and medals in general, with another models.
maybe later i can divide pts for Elite and casual hModels, but not soon.
Something similar, probably is better.
Честная битва до финиша ,и не сдаваться без весомой причины !!
Fair battle to finish ,and do not surrender without heavily reason !!
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